[가수원동 카페추천] 5/22 일상, 데일리, BLS provider, 싶빵공장, 로라네 방앗간

I bought the #anverterpastry and #quinianet that you can see in the picture! (And the next day, I ate alone… My family doesn’t like bread.. I’m the only one who likes bread.. I’m the only one pig lol) Laura’s Mill Singer Garden CafeSunhye’s pick, Laura’s Mill!!Actually, I was thinking about editing the photos of the cafe and uploading them, but then I think I need to edit all the photos to upload… LolWhat TMI has been up toNo, I’m not good either. Woo-yeon, I’m not going anywhere until Seo-yeon gets paid. I’m going to write a blog that I’m behind on and watch Netflix and Wave (I wanted to express that I had to wash my fingers) and I’m going to post a delayed blog from the latest one. I’m finally changing the font on my blog. Whenever I post a post of “Sharing Masterpiece”, I’m going to change the font. Main body 5/22 Saturday night>_<Seo-yeon has a lot of things I want to learnI already cut the deejutu lol I ordered americano alone while waiting for Sunhye and played well for an hour :0 And as soon as we met I forgot to take a picture of the drink because I was chatting. After I cut it all off, ah!! Photo!!!! LolThe one on the far left says it’s okay. The one on the far right says she took it for me and it came out well. Bye 🙂 Actually, the day isn’t over. Let’s go right away to upload it again. #DaejeonCafé #Gasawondong #GasawonCafé #Laura’sMill #Gasawon #BreadFactory #BakeryCaféI like this but she says it’s not good :)Now I’m getting to the point!!! I worked on “Worker’s Day” and could use it on any date I wanted instead of the day off, but I decided to use it on Saturday to get a BLS certificate…! (I can even get it for free with the application fee~) Honestly, I have a certificate, but I don’t know if it’s okay~~ Do you want to learn many things when you’re young? lol But it’s a waste of time to take a day off on SaturdayBlogging is good because you can post a lot of pictures 🙂 But.. If you scroll down, you might be surprised lolWe’re going to meet and talk constantly and take picturesThis is the ade that Sunhye ordered lol I forgot what it is ><It’s so neat and pretty! It was nice to see the Doan-dong apartment and green things right in front of me. It was nice because the weather was so nice!!If it wasn’t for Bls provider, I would like to wear a dress at a cafe. And the one who got her number on the way to meet me. The one who is taking a test tomorrow. The one who did full makeup for two hours for me..I couldn’t take pictures of my favorite things, but there were prettier and more artistic desserts underneath

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