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Stir-fried zucchini, which is fried with various seasoning ingredients including salted shrimp by cutting zucchini into a suitable thickness half-moon shape, is a good dish to use as a side dish because it combines the unique sweet taste of zucchini and salted shrimp seasoning, which is the main ingredient.ingredients to prepareSlice the onion into thick slices, cut the red pepper in half, take out the seeds, and slice it thinly like the picture above. 4. Make stir-fried zucchiniI haven’t posted how to cut and stir-fry zucchini in the form of a strainer yet, so this time, I’d like to introduce how to slice it in the right thickness rather than in the shape of a half-moon and cook it with stir-fry.Pumpkin stir-fry recipe, zucchini salted shrimp recipe, zucchini stir-fry recipeMeasurement unit 1T = 15ml Last time, we cooked with Cheongyang chili pepper, but this time, we excluded Cheongyang chili pepper from the ingredient so that we can focus on the flavor of the zucchini. 1. Trim zucchiniFirst, cut the washed zucchini into 0.5cm thick slices, and then slice it into appropriate widths like the picture on the right. 2. Pickle zucchiniWhen the ingredients are almost cooked, add 1T of sesame oil, mix it slightly, and turn off the heat. If you stir-fry it with sesame oil for a long time, the savory scent of sesame oil will almost volatilize, so it’s better to stir-fry it a little after adding sesame oil and turn off the heat. 5. Finished photoWhen the onion is fried to some extent, add a pinch of salt, mix it slightly, then add zucchini and stir-fry it over high heat at first, then add 1/2T of crushed garlic and shredded red pepper when it is slightly cooked to the top right picture, and stir-fry it over medium-high heat until the ingredients are almost cooked. Stir-fried zucchini is a dish that is the key to heat control, so it is delicious if you cook it without burning the ingredients including zucchini.1 zucchini (320g) 1/2 red pepper 1/2 green onion 1/2 chopped garlic 1/2T zucchini pickling ingredient Salted shrimp soup 1T salt 3 pint sauce ingredient 1 pint sesame oil 1/2TI transferred the finished stir-fried pumpkin to a plate or bowl of the right size and sprinkled some sesame seeds to take a picture of it. The vivid red of red pepper and the light green of green pumpkin seem to mix well to create a delicious effect.Add 3 pinches of salt and 1T of salted shrimp to the chopped zucchini, mix them well, and leave them for about 5 minutes to pickle. 3. Prepare the ingredientsPut the onion in a pan coated with 1T cooking oil and fry it until it is cooked to a certain extent. Zucchini is a quick-cooking vegetable, so you have to fry the onion first so that it does not soften. If you want to fry it with perilla oil, you can cook it by mixing perilla oil and cooking oil in a ratio of 2:1, so please refer to that.

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